Before calling to get a dumpster rental quote, you’ll want to have some information handy. And just like any service, you should ask friends and neighbors for references, and get 2-3 quotes. Make sure to compare apples to apples, and make sure all dumpster rental companies are including landfill fees and any other fees in their quote.

What Size Dumpster Do You Need?

The dumpster rental company should ask you about the size and scope of your project to help answer this question. Here are some common dumpster sizes used for residential and commercial projects that require a dumpster rental:

  • 10 yard dumpster – small remodeling projects and medium sized clean ups.
  • 15 yard dumpster — medium sized renovation projects and large home cleanup projects
  • 20 yard dumpster – larger projects such as new construction

Keep in mind that you can rent more than one dumpster at a time, which is especially useful if you need to separate items for disposal.

What Type of Materials Will You Be Putting In Your Container?

Here are some examples of common projects and the type of dumpster they require:

  • Construction & remodeling projects – ask for a construction dumpster.
  • For driveway & patio repairs – ask for a concrete dumpster.
  • For landscaping & yard clean-up – ask for a dirt dumpster
  • For home cleanup projects – ask for a trash dumpster

The reason to request a specific kind of dumpster is that there are different means of disposal and different regulations covering various types of junk and debris. Also, we can recycle concrete, metal and yard waste. So you would want to fill a dumpster with yard waste, and a second dumpster with concrete, for example. This is common in landscaping projects.
You should be prepared to give a specific date for delivery, and a specific date for the dumpster rental company to come pick up the dumpster and haul it away. The dumpster rental company should provide you with a list of prohibited items, as well as any penalty fees for disposing of prohibited items or failure to be ready on the day of schedule pickup.
We hope you’ll consider dumpster rental with JR’s Hauling and Dumpster Rental Service. We deliver and pickup in Harford County and Baltimore Count, and we serve both residential and commercial customers. Call us at 443-286-3284 for a free quote.